Bitwise Right shift >> operator

Bitwise Right shift operator >> is used to shift the binary sequence to right side by specified position.


Let’s take a number 14.

Binary representation of 14 is 00001110 (for the sake of clarity let’s write it using 8 bit)

14 = (00001110) 2

Then 14 >> 1 will shift the binary sequence by 1 position to the right side.


Pictorial Explanation

Bitwise right shift operator in c

Application of Bitwise Right Shift Operator

In the above diagram, you can notice that whenever we shift the number one position to right, the output value will be exactly number / 2.

If I shift 14 by 1 position to the right, output will be 14 / 2 = 7. i.e 14/2 = 7

If I shift 14 by 2 position to the right, output will be 14 / 4 = 3. i.e 14/4 =3.5 since it’s an integer, fractional part will not be considered.

In general, if we shift a number by n times to right, the output will be number / (2n) .


Let’s assume number as 128.

If we shift the number 5 position to the right, the output will be

= 128 >> 5

= 128 / (25)



Program using bitwise right shift operator



int main()
    int var = 128;
    printf("var/2  =%d \n",var>>1); //1 position to right
    printf("var/4  =%d \n",var>>2); //2 position to right
    printf("var/8  =%d \n",var>>3); //3 position to right
    printf("var/16 =%d \n",var>>4); //4 position to right
    printf("var/32 =%d \n",var>>5); //5 position to right
    return 0;